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Captains Blog 24/4/15

April 24th, 2015 | Railblaza Team

Hi there welcome to the 2nd post of the Captains Blog.

In this post I will be continuing the RAILBLAZA fit out of my Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45 sailboat.

Following on from the 1st Blog post which covered drinkholders and cockpit storage it was time to work on  making my fishing easier.. I decided to fit 2 Railmounted StarPorts to the pushpit ( back rail ) spaced at 200mm centres.

This will allow me to fit 2 Rodholders for storing my fishing rods. I can then remove the 2 Rodholders and transfer them to the top of my sheet winches for fishing . This then allows me to fit a fillet table for preparing my catch. The positioning of the Fillet table is at a perfect height for me to stand on the boarding platform while I am filleting fish.


2 StarPorts fitted to the rail at 200mm centres.


The Rodholders fitted to the StarPorts with my fishing rods inserted.

bait-board    Baitboard-2

The Rodholders removed and the fillet table fitted ready to prepare the catch.

In my next post I will show the RAILBLAZA fit out of my Southern Pacific 2.8m inflatable

Products used in this post

Railmount 19-25mm white

Rodholder 2  White

Fillet Table